terzo punto 3-1ˇˇFinishing
You can select your preferred finishing from a total of 4 types: the shiny mirror-finishing of lucido, the subdued luster of verticale or orizzontale, or the elegant expressiveness of satinato.
An animal motif zebra pattern is also available for the quadrato and piatto type.
terzo punto 3-2ˇˇline
Ring surfaces can be engraved with lines if you like. There are 3 types: centrale with a line in the centre, superiore with a line down one side, and parallele with lines down both sides. For the surface finishing, you can choose from lucido, verticale, orizzontale or satinato. You can also combine lucido and satinato, dividing the two finishings with a line.

*Lines are only available for rings with a width of 3.5mm or more. Lines cannot be engraved on rotondo rings, or rings with a zebra pattern.

 | primo punto 1 | secondo punto 2 | terzo punto 3 | quarto punto 4 | quint punto 5 | sesto punt 6 |

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